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A Wedding Reception

On Friday, September 30, A Wedding Reception: An Opportunity to Celebrate Your Wedding Day! was held in the main dining hall and hosted by Chaplain Greg.

Sarah Juhl and the dining team served wedding cake, nuts and punch.

The program included the reading of a poem by Maya Angelou, the playing of a wedding song that the event participants chose -- during the event! -- as representative of the era in which they were married, and listening to a set of vows that reflected the love once and still shared between husbands and wives.

Two special features of the program included a contest to see which resident could correctly identify the greatest number of original wedding photographs submitted by 19 couples and the sharing of three selected stories submitted by residents. In all, 16 stories were submitted and drawn together in a booklet that everyone took home so they could enjoy each other’s reflections about their wedding day and/or life with their spouse.

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