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By Jerroll Martens, Chaplain

“Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sin.” Psalm 25:18

The term regarding affliction occurs nearly 200 times in the Bible. This could be any kind of concern that weighs on a person. Perhaps loss of health, loss of life, loss of freedom, loss of job or mental anguish over our situation or someone close to us are our affliction.

Many references to this occur with the idea that God sees our need. God saw the affliction of his people in Egypt and heard their cry. In His mercy, He liberated them. Hence, many references also appear asking God to “look” upon our need. The request in this is in asking God to “look” with favor and letting a merciful and loving God do as He sees best.

Notice the right attitude of the Psalmist. He asks God to “look” on his affliction and pain, and do what pleases Him. With his sin, the Psalmist is definite—“forgive my sin.” With the latter, he implies that his sin is the most important and that God will indeed answer it. He has full faith that God can and will forgive him.

Yes, the God of the Bible has promised us forgiveness if we come to Him. We need to come to God with our sorrow and sin. We know He will forgive the sin when we ask. He will be merciful to us in our affliction and pain as we leave it with Him.

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